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Hi! As you've probably guessed, my name is Tristan! I'm seventeen and go by he/him pronouns! I'm using this site as a mix of things if I'm totally honest! It will be an archive of my own work (writing and drawing wise primarily), a blog, a place to share my interests (which are very important to me), and maybe more!

Check out my spotify!

I'm interested in quite a few things! I like art, writing, anime (Saiki k is my current favorite anime), gaming (can't pick a favorite), music ("Execution is fun!" by Tardigrade inferno is my current favorite song), animals (ferrets are my favorite), and a lot more!

Feeling super excited as of now!!


Art examples!

(Will be updated as I improve!)

art1 art2 art3 art4

I do comissions as well! Message me on discord (my user is teaerrors14) to discuss prices!

I have a Toyhouse as well! TeaErrors

Recent art!


Made August 30th 2023

Latest writing snippet!

Alice groaned as she woke up, a dull pain throbbing at the back of her head. Slowly, she lifted her head, completely taking in her new surroundings. She was in a school? Yes… That’s right. The last thing she could remember was making her way to the gym for her orientation into Hopes peak when she heard footsteps. She turned to see who was behind her, then nothing. As soon as she turned she felt as sharp pain before her world faded to black. She had no idea who had been following her or, much more importantly, where in the school she was or how she had gotten there.

Deciding it would be if no use to just sit there, she got up, feeling a bit unsteady on her feet. Alice walked out of the room and into the hallway, trying to get an idea of where she was. Almost immediately she spotted the large brown doors of the gym. The sight made her feel uneasy. It should have been comforting to know that she was at least where she was intended to be, yet she couldn’t shake the feeling that this was completely wrong, that she shouldn’t be here at all. Nonetheless, it was better to go in rather than just stand there, so she carefully pushed the door open.

To her surprise, she was greeted by fifteen others, all of which seemed to be chatting among themselves until they noticed her. She gripped the door a little tighter, once again feeling uneasy when she should have felt at least a slight bit of comfort. One of them, a taller boy with short and straight black hair and pale blue eyes, approached her. “You must be the last student!” He said a little too loudly, “My name is Beau Valdez! I’m the ultimate conductor!” Alice didn’t have to consider his talent for long, his uniform, hat, and general attitude being a dead giveaway before he even revealed It. “You’d be correct.” She responded, scanning the room as she noticed all eyes were now on her. “I’m the ultimate swordswoman, Alice Levitt. It’s nice to meet you.”

Beau gave a sharp nod, “Do you have any clue why we’re here?” Alice shook her head in response, “All I remember is coming towards orientation, hearing footsteps, and passing out.” He seemed to consider this information for a moment, before nodding once more. “So the same as the rest of us then.” At his words, she looked around the room once more, this time observing the people that filled it. Quite a few colorful figures stood before her, all dressed in some way that signified their talent.

When she looked back to Beau, he had begun discussing things with another person, prompting Alice to begin introducing herself to others rather than continue with him. She did just that, walking over to a boy that stood alone against a wall. His temperamental expression and slicked back red and black hair gave him an unfriendly look, but she figured she might as well start with him since he was the closest.

Read the rest here!

Yet to be added until first chapter is fully finished!


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