Ultimates... People renowned worlwide for being the best of the best. Now, while it would be easy to say that these talents benefit the world around them as much as the ultimates themselves, that isn't the case. But I'm getting ahead of myself... My name is William Foster, and I'm going undercover. Under the guise of the 'ultimate reporter' I plan to enter Hope's Peak and expose the truth behind these supposed 'new hopes'. Thankfully, I'll have some time to prepare considering otientation won't be for another two weeks. Until then, I plan to learn everything I can about the ultimates attending, starting with meeting them here. By here I of course mean the REDACTED boardwalk. It's a huge tourist attraction, popular even beyond the town it resides in, and today it's been rented out as a chance for the Hope's peak attendees to have time to have fun and get to know eachother before the school year .